Alice,the best explanation for a strike on the curb is a fragment from the head shot. One fragment struck the inside of the limo windshield. Another struck the chrome piece of the windshield. And a third passed over the top of the windshield and went on the strike the curb.
That is certainly the case if you believe that CE399 was from the second shot.
But the only evidence we have as to which shot caused James Tague's cheek cut indicates that it was the second shot. Tague initially was not sure when asked but thought about it and said it was not the first shot and he recalled a shot after being struck and he was sure there were only three shots.
Also, Greer said he heard or felt a "concussion" from the second shot. He did not experience this on the other shots. There was significant damage to the windshield frame just above and to the right of his head, so it seems reasonable that he would have heard a sound from that.
We also have George Hickey who said that the second shot appeared to miss JFK's head on the right side because he saw his hair fly up on the second shot. He was looking rearward at z256 (Altgens). The only time JFK's hair flies up is from z273-276. A shot missing JFK on the right side would have to have struck Gov. Connally on the right side. That fits with everything else. A shot exiting JBC's chest would have struck his wrist which was pressed against his chest. If it fragmented upon striking the wrist and those fragments deflected away from the point of contact, the fragments would deflect up and forward. That fits with the evidence of Greer and Tague and the windshield damage.
So the notion that the damage to the windshield and Tague's injury occurred due to fragments from the third shot is inconsistent with the evidence we have. It is also difficult to understand how fragments deflected upward after passing through JFK's skull.