It's McAdams, and don't. Not unless you want more of the same rhetoric you get here from LNers.
As opposed to your endless proclamations of what witnesses saw or meant. To wit: Are you certain Brennan wasn't still concerned, even after finding out that Euins was a second witness?
And is it within the realm of possibilty that he would hold back from telling his wife (according to you) so as to not upset her unnecessarily?
Hoffman changed his story over time and even his brothers (and/or father) said he had a habit of telling tall stories.
And do you mean the Jean Hill who saw a small dog in the limo? Great eyesight there, huh. You forgot to mention that this lady in red told a TV station back then that she didn't see a shooter, only heard the shot. Then in 1992, said she saw the shooter firing from behind a tree.
Is that your definition of rhetoric?
Go ask Alice.