How can anyone believe JFK and JBC were hit by a single bullet fired from 60 feet in the air?
As Cyril Wecht pointed out during the HSCA, JFK would need to be tying his shoes for the trajectory to work.
The question is not whether a shot through JFK could have hit Gov. Connally. Rather it is whether it hit Gov. Connally in the right armpit.
There is no problem with the vertical alignment of JBC's wounds and JFK's throat wound. The car was 60 feet below the SN but about 165 feet distant at the time of the shot that struck JFK's neck. That makes a vertcal angle of 20 degrees below the horizontal. The car was on a downward 3 degree angle. So the angle through JFK's body was a downward 17 degrees, JFK's seat was higher than JBC's jump seat and his neck exit wound was about 24" from the back of that jump seat. Over that 24" distance a bullet travelling on a 17 degree downward path would have dropped another 7.5 inches which means it would have cleared the back of the jump seat.
It is the horizontal - right to left - trajectory that is a problem. The trajectory is consistent with a shot through JFK to the left side of JBC but not with a strike to the far right side. The right to left angle was at least 12 degrees. Over that 24" distance the bullet through JFK would have travelled 5" farther left. So for JBC's right armpit, located 7.87 inches right of JBC's spine, to be in the path of that bullet, he would have to havd been 13" left of JFK. That is the problem with the trajectory.