The frontal neck wound never traversed the body and the entry wound in the back never traversed the body . At what point did the " Magic Bullet " become the "Magic Bullet" . It's quite obvious that per Humes, the shot in JFK's back ended at the little finger knuckle and it was angled down at a 45 to 60 degree angle. Now if there is not a path through the president by either bullet , then there should have been two bullets left in JFK. Fords movement of the back wound to the base of the back of the neck was to say the least a move that was very debatable and quite dishonest to say the least. Now if Humes says that the back wound did not extend past the little finger knuckle , then it does not matter where Ford would have placed the back wound because per Humes the path in the back was short and at a 45 to 60 degree downward angle. We know on thing for sure, the wound in the back of JFK was lower than what the front entry wound was on JFK !