You should really stop with your whinny political beliefs . Politics and religion should be left out of the discussion on here. Especially current politics. Take it to Off Topic if you want to piss and moan.
Who the hell started the political whining? You, with your pink hat reference. Your problem is you can dish it out but in the end, you're just a snowflake at heart. Sorry if I hurt your feelings.
Ruby arrested on November 24, 1963.Ruby dies on January 3, 1967.In conspiracy world that's another sudden, mysterious death.
Well Ruby Ruby, Ruby baby did die suddenly... right after his last breath
You're a crazy loon and soft in the head. You started with Steve Galbraith. Classic Troll. Rise above it Daffy.
I suppose Ruby was just another psycho that killed Oswald to spare the Kennedy's a drawn out trial. //
Check your facts. Ruby died in hospital, not in prison and he didn't die of cancer as you seem to believe. Ruby died from a blood clot in his lung. Maybe you need to watch a few more UTUBE vids.