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Author Topic: Z Film & Other Evidence Makes Conspiracy VERY CLEAR  (Read 23001 times)

Offline John Kozlowski

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Re: Z Film & Other Evidence Makes Conspiracy VERY CLEAR
« Reply #56 on: July 07, 2018, 11:00:09 PM »

Thanks John A lot of it very interesting The guy on the second floor of county records along with the other corroborating flash from that location from a different film makes the evidence of a shot  almost incontrovertible It seems however that this hot would have come much earlier than the first reports of gunfire or do I have that wrong Excellent stuff and it is difficult to understand why it does not get more play Thanks for posting it
I didn't post it. Just quoted the OP

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Z Film & Other Evidence Makes Conspiracy VERY CLEAR
« Reply #56 on: July 07, 2018, 11:00:09 PM »

Offline Mitch Todd

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Re: Z Film & Other Evidence Makes Conspiracy VERY CLEAR
« Reply #57 on: July 08, 2018, 11:55:05 PM »
           You say, "it takes up a very Small amount of real estate per frame". How much real estate does that Black Patch/"GUNK" on the back of JFK's head consume? If you are admitting that Zapruder's camera has a Consistent "anomaly" created by "GUNK" in his camera, then this anomaly can also have occurred elsewhere on his film. Nice work.

Gary Mack and Josiah Thompson have said that the "black patch" is caused by contrast buildup as copies are made of successive generations. In a way, it's expected. The image repeatedly caused by gunk in the intersprocket area is also expected to be there, in its own way. Neither proves or disproves the authenticity of the film. Only the foolish see it differently.

Offline Matt Grantham

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Re: Z Film & Other Evidence Makes Conspiracy VERY CLEAR
« Reply #58 on: July 09, 2018, 01:17:20 AM »
 Blevin's refers to the government shelter building for two of his images Is this south and adjacent to the TSBD?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Z Film & Other Evidence Makes Conspiracy VERY CLEAR
« Reply #58 on: July 09, 2018, 01:17:20 AM »

Offline Jim Brazell

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Re: Z Film & Other Evidence Makes Conspiracy VERY CLEAR
« Reply #59 on: July 09, 2018, 09:10:33 AM »
This guy is a fraud. No offense to you but he's full of crap. Do some research on Mr. Blevins. Look into his research on Bigfoot, the garden of Eden and Noah's Ark. My opinion he's just looking for a quick payday. Nothing he does should be taken seriously. I 100% believe in a conspiracy involving our government but all this guy is doing is muddying the waters.

No offense taken. I have not by any stretch of the imagination said that Mr. Blevins is correct on all he puts forth. I don't know him or anything about him know he dabbles in several other things as mentioned. If he's looking for a quick payday, he's failing BADLY. Seems pretty hand to mouth to me. HOWEVER, a picture is worth a thousand words....the shooter is there above the sprocket holes. Also can see it in 98% of non sprocket hole Zfilm. When he takes DOCUMENTED sources such as Zapruder,Bell,Nix,Willis,Hughes etc and uses these sources, I take notice of his findings.

The Moorman polaroid is well know as well and the pictures of the  gunmen in Shelter #3 I can see pretty easily...especially the gunman directly behind Zapruder & Sitzman. To me, I seriously believe Zfilm has missing frames (Dino Bigioni) Also, Sitzman said that Zapruder started filming AS the limo was making the turn onto Elm from Houston. Lynda Willis says that when their family viewed her dad's film before given to FBI & it showed a train going over the tracks that is not in the film that was returned to them. What was there ? Something the FBI didn't want seen. Do I believe the entire film is invalid ? Uh no, only removed what was incriminating and did a poor job of that by and large. The Hughes film is well known and takes some serious looking to see the muzzle flash but it's there. This would be just after turning from Houston onto Elm. I don't base my conclusions on Mr. Blevins alone....I have researched for many,many years as is the case with many here obviously.

Offline John Kozlowski

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Re: Z Film & Other Evidence Makes Conspiracy VERY CLEAR
« Reply #60 on: July 09, 2018, 02:43:48 PM »
No offense taken. I have not by any stretch of the imagination said that Mr. Blevins is correct on all he puts forth. I don't know him or anything about him know he dabbles in several other things as mentioned. If he's looking for a quick payday, he's failing BADLY. Seems pretty hand to mouth to me. HOWEVER, a picture is worth a thousand words....the shooter is there above the sprocket holes. Also can see it in 98% of non sprocket hole Zfilm. When he takes DOCUMENTED sources such as Zapruder,Bell,Nix,Willis,Hughes etc and uses these sources, I take notice of his findings.

The Moorman polaroid is well know as well and the pictures of the  gunmen in Shelter #3 I can see pretty easily...especially the gunman directly behind Zapruder & Sitzman. To me, I seriously believe Zfilm has missing frames (Dino Bigioni) Also, Sitzman said that Zapruder started filming AS the limo was making the turn onto Elm from Houston. Lynda Willis says that when their family viewed her dad's film before given to FBI & it showed a train going over the tracks that is not in the film that was returned to them. What was there ? Something the FBI didn't want seen. Do I believe the entire film is invalid ? Uh no, only removed what was incriminating and did a poor job of that by and large. The Hughes film is well known and takes some serious looking to see the muzzle flash but it's there. This would be just after turning from Houston onto Elm. I don't base my conclusions on Mr. Blevins alone....I have researched for many,many years as is the case with many here obviously.
Are you actually able to see the shooter moving and firing on other versions of the z film? I haven't seen anything close to it except on his videos.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Z Film & Other Evidence Makes Conspiracy VERY CLEAR
« Reply #60 on: July 09, 2018, 02:43:48 PM »

Offline Royell Storing

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Re: Z Film & Other Evidence Makes Conspiracy VERY CLEAR
« Reply #61 on: July 09, 2018, 08:15:41 PM »
As far as you know, no official quotes exist where Zapruder, or his Daughter, said they never stopped filming?

        I have never seen any Zapruder Testimony as to his admitting to Stopping his filming. Zapruder was very careful with his testimony/verbiage due to the $150,000 he was receiving over 6 installments/6 years from Time for his film. In addition, Zapruder was very careful Not to make his receiving $150,000 public knowledge. In 1963 the median yearly income in America was Only $4,000+.  I do Not know what the daughter is or is not claiming. I have Zero interest in hearsay.

Offline John Kozlowski

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Re: Z Film & Other Evidence Makes Conspiracy VERY CLEAR
« Reply #62 on: July 10, 2018, 03:27:38 AM »
Blevins says it was Weatherford in the 6th floor window but in this pic he has Oswald in the window. This guy is pretty good with photoshop.

Offline Ray Mitcham

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Re: Z Film & Other Evidence Makes Conspiracy VERY CLEAR
« Reply #63 on: July 10, 2018, 05:20:19 PM »
        I have never seen any Zapruder Testimony as to his admitting to Stopping his filming. Zapruder was very careful with his testimony/verbiage due to the $150,000 he was receiving over 6 installments/6 years from Time for his film. In addition, Zapruder was very careful Not to make his receiving $150,000 public knowledge. In 1963 the median yearly income in America was Only $4,000+.  I do Not know what the daughter is or is not claiming. I have Zero interest in hearsay.

Zapruder to the W.C.

Mr. ZAPRUDER - That's correct. I started shooting--when the motorcade started coming in, I believe I started and wanted to get it coming in from Houston Street."

If he wanted to get the motorcade coming in from Houston Street, why would he stop filming?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Z Film & Other Evidence Makes Conspiracy VERY CLEAR
« Reply #63 on: July 10, 2018, 05:20:19 PM »