Every time that the media has stated that the authenticity of the Oswald Backyard pictures have 'finally been put to rest', it seems like it all just keeps waking up again.
Still, if you're a 'kook'...they're fake.
If you're a 'parrot'... then [of course] they're genuine.
According to Marina [after serving the Warren Commission a myriad assortment of lies and a cocktail of deceit, distortion, fabrications and fables].. Lee coerced her to take the weapons photos because he wanted to submit them to the Communist publication to which he was an apparent subscriber.
Yet, after all that was said and done, no evidence was ever produced that he actually did.
All that endeavor for nothing it seems.
When the Backyard photo graced the cover of Life magazine in that February of 1964, Sylvia Meager became among the first to notice that Oswald's face just didn't look right. Also the stance seemed awkward like he's falling forward.
The editor's response was that certain airbrushing and retouching was done to their copy of the print.
One then wonders why would all that would be necessary?
By the time this question arrived to the HSCA, it was demonstrated that the original negative contained a square jawed Oswald and the Life story was relegated to the droppings of a bovine.
How then, did the Committee deal with the chin transplant? It became a water spot that had inattentively dripped onto the negative. Only, there were two such negatives each with an exact identical drip?
Back in 1964, for some reason, a Dallas cop went out to that Neely street backyard and posed with a newspaper and a rifle or shotgun [maybe his handgun was concealed?]
It was the way he posed that was unique. Arms slightly raised with the long gun in his
left hand.Not like the first two BY photos [shown below]. Twelve years later, another BY photo showed up...
identical to the Dallas cop picture taken 12 years earlier ..rifle in the
left hand and paper in the right.
"So what'' the parrots will exclaim..."Coincidence" they will advance..."And the point is?" they will utter.
The umpteenth-thousandth coincidence I can only reply.
The cops knew about those photographs long before they were ever "found".
Commission exhibit 714 [became Committee exhibits 133A and 133B]
1964 re-enactment below
Committee exhibit133C produced Dec 1976 The negative was never found